在南韓掀起暴動的Ella Gross,年僅10歲就已經是時尚圈的當紅模特兒,不少國際知名品牌都爭相和她合作,最近她更被YG娛樂相中,被該公司旗下的獨立音樂品牌The Black Label簽下,還曬出跟女團BLACKPINK成員Jennie的合照,不少網友認為兩人長得太相像,表示「這根本是小Jennie!」
有兩位老婆還不夠?馬來西亞41歲穆斯林卡林(Che Abdul Karim)日前被妻子爆料娶了11歲的泰國女童阿育(Ayu)當第三任妻子,婚禮照片在網路瘋傳後,引起輿論撻伐,馬國警方現已展開調查,馬國副首相阿芝莎(Wan Azizah Wan Ismail)則表示,若伊斯蘭法庭未批准,該婚姻關係就屬違法。
荷蘭媒體《The Next Web》日前報導,表示台北國際電腦展舉辦已超過30年,儼然在亞洲資訊產業、科技業佔有崇高地位,其中展覽內容、方式也都備受外界注目,人們到現場都期待看到創新的產品、以及公司獨創的科技知識,但如今會場中卻充斥著各種穿著暴露的女模,不僅與現今「反對物化女性」的觀念相違背,更模糊了展覽該有的科技焦點。
《The Next Web》也於會場中訪問了多位民眾,就有民眾表示「消費者並不會因為女模的關係,就購買該公司的產品」,更有女性民眾認為「今年的展覽並沒有達到展示創新產品、提供專家交流等目的」。
Harlan Ellison, the prolific, pugnacious author of "A Boy and His Dog," and countless other stories that blasted society with their nightmarish, sometimes darkly humorous scenarios, has died at age 84.
Ellison's death was confirmed Thursday to The Associated Press by Bill Schafer, an editor with Subterranean Press, the author's publisher. A woman who answered the phone at Ellison's office, who declined to give her name, said he died Wednesday in his sleep.
During a career that spanned more than half a century, Ellison wrote some 50 books and more than 1,400 articles, essays,TVscripts and screenplays. Although best-known for his science fiction, which garnered nearly a dozen Nebula and Hugo awards, Ellison's work covered virtually every type of writing from mysteries to comic books to newspaper columns.
He was known as much for his attitude as his writing - he described himself once as "bellicose." His targets were anyone or anything that offended him, from TV producers to his own audience. An encounter with Frank Sinatra, when the two faced off while Ellison was shooting pool, was immortalized inGay Talese's famous 1966 magazine profile of the singer.
"I go to bed angry and I get up angrier every morning," he once said.
"Harlan Ellison: There was no one quite like him in American letters, and never will be," author Stephen King Tweeted on Thursday. "Angry, funny, eloquent, hugely talented. If there's an afterlife, Harlan is already kicking ass and taking down names."
Several of Ellison's works were translated into dozens of languages.
One of the best-known, "A Boy and His Dog," portrays a world devastated by nuclear war and fought over by vicious gangs.
The hero, a young thug whose traveling companion is a mutant, telepathic dog, is lured to an underground community but rebels against its sterility. The novella was the basis for a 1975 movie starring Don Johnson. The film's gruesome but darkly comic ending elicited stunned laughter from its audience when it was the featured film at a science fiction movie marathon in Los Angeles that year.
Ellison recently expanded the story into a full-length novel, "Blood's A Rover," that Subterranean is publishing this month.
Some of his most popular works were surrealistic fantasies set in grisly worlds run by totalitarians and conformists. Some were humorous; many were shockingly graphic for their time.
He once said he wanted his stories "to grab you by the throat and tear off parts of your body."
His short story, "I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream," is about the last humans, eternally tortured by a malevolent, godlike computer. It was made into a computer game, with its author providing the machine's voice.
Ellison disliked computers and worked on old manual typewriters, although he denied being anti-technology.
"I hate the uses that technology is put to," he once said.
Sometimes, for promotional purposes, he would write his stories while seated in bookstore windows.
Danny Dyer’s appearance on Good Evening Britain last night took the internet by storm, as he expressed his views on both Brexit and former prime minister David Cameron.
The special evening edition of Good Morning Britain took place just after England lost 1-0 to Belgium in the World Cup.
Hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid welcomed an eclectic array of guests onto the show, including at one point Jeremy Corbyn, Pamela Anderson, and Danny Dyer on the sofas at one time.
And it was the appearance of the EastEnders star that generated the most interest, especially when he schooled Piers on what real people thought of Brexit.
‘This whole Brexit thing,’ he began, as he defended Love Island contestants who didn’t know much about it. ‘When you’re judging them [contestants] on Brexit, they don’t know nothing about it.
‘Who knows about Brexit? No one’s got a clue what Brexit is,’ he informed Piers and the panel.
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From left: Danny Dyer, Piers Morgan, Susanna Reid, Jeremy Corbyn, Pamela Anderson. (REX)
‘You watch Question Time, it’s comedy,’ the actor continued.
‘Were you no clearer when Jeremy Corbyn explained it?’ asked presenter Susanna.
‘No one knows what it is, it’s like this mad riddle – no one knows what it is!’
He then turned his attentions to former prime minister David Cameron – a politician he didn’t appear fond of.
‘What happened to that t*at David Cameron, who pulled it off?
‘How come he can scuttle off? He called all this on. Where is he? He’s in Europe, in Nice with his trotters up.
‘Where is the geezer?’
‘He should be held account for it. He should be held account for it,’ Danny continued, before shouting ‘t*at!’ as Piers began to speak which amused people even more.
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Within no time, people on Twitter were sharing the video and praising the star for his honest outburst.
People were in awe of the clip itself…
Celebs were eager to praise the London hardman for his brash comments, too.
Even host Susanna joined in eventually…
Susanna initially appeared shocked, letting out a yelp at his swearing but, as they announced at the start of the show, it was post-watershed so there were no restrictions as per their usual morning stints.
Catch Good Morning Britain weekdays, from 6.30am, on ITV1.
The terrifying scenes unfolded on Thursday when the attacker, armed with a shotgun and smoke grenades, burst into in the offices of the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland.
The victims were the newspaper’s assistant editor Rob Hiassen, reporter Wendi Winters, sales assistant Rebecca Smith, editorial writer Gerald Fischman and reporter and editor John McNamara.
The suspect, named as 38-year-old Jarrod Warren Ramos, was detained after officers found him hiding under a desk in the building.
Rob Hiasson
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'Gentle and funny': Rob Hiasson
The 59-year-old joined the Capital in 2010 as assistant editor after working as a reporter at the Baltimore Sun for 15 years.
According to the Baltimore Sun, he and his wife Maria, with whom he had three children, had celebrated their 33rd anniversary just days before he was killed.
His brother, Carl Hiasson, wrote in a Facebook post that he was "one of the most gentle and funny people I've ever known".
He said: “I am devastated and heartsick to confirm the loss of my wonderful brother Rob today in the mass shooting in the newsroom at the Annapolis Capital Gazette.
"Rob was an editor and columnist at the paper, and one of the most gentle and funny people I've ever known. He spent his whole gifted career as a journalist, and he believed profoundly in the craft and mission of serving the public's right to know the news.
"We called him Big Rob because he was so tall, but it was his remarkable heart and humour that made him larger than all of us."
Mr Hiasson’s friends and colleagues have also taken to social media to pay tribute.
Capital Gazette reporter Danielle Ohl wrote: “We’d often say: Rob is a poet. Rob cared about words & feelings. He’d send me messages with nothing but a stupid word I’d used in a sentence & a way to make it better. He loved music & red wine. He was getting into George Saunders.
“He cared, deeply & thoughtfully, about people.”
Baltimore Sun reporter Pamela Wood, who used to work at the Capital said that "Rob was great."
The Wire creator David Simon, who worked for the Baltimore Sun for 12 years, described Mr Hiasson as a “committed, lifelong newspaperman and journalist” and “fine, wonderful soul.”